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How can I cancel or edit my subscription?Updated 4 months ago

To Edit Your Subscription: 

1. Login to your account and navigate to "Subscriptions"

2. Select "View upcoming subscriptions"

3. Find the subscription you would like to edit and select "Edit"

4. Proceed with editing subscription products, send date, address of subscription, payment method, or add a discount code

To Cancel Your Subscription:

1. Login to your account and navigate to "Subscriptions"

2. Select "Manage Subscriptions"

3. Select the Subscription you would like to cancel from the Active Subscriptions list

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Cancel Subscription"

5. You will be given the option to pause your subscription for 1-3 months 

6. If you would like to proceed with canceling your subscription select "Cancel Subscription"

7. Select your reason for cancelling and select "Cancel Subscription"

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