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How do access my account?

To access your subscription account, sign into your account at Once signed in, click on the 'Subscriptions' tab in your account. Having trouble? There are a few reasons why you may not be able to access your account:. Your passw

My subscription item is out of stock. What do I do?

We are very sorry for this inconvenience. If your subscription product is out of stock on the day your order is scheduled to process, it will be automatically delayed to the next cycle. If you would like to be notified when this product is back in st

My subscription order has already shipped. Can I still cancel?

Unfortunately, once a subscription has been shipped, we are unable to cancel it. You can submit a return or exchange at

How do I add rewards to my subscription?

To redeem points and add a reward discount coupon to an existing upcoming subscription:. Step 1:. - Log into your account and click on the person icon at the top corner of the page. - Navigate to the Rewards tab where you can "Redeem Points for Disco

How do I update my shipping and/or billing information?

To update Billing and Shipping Information:. Login to your account, select the "Subscriptions" tab and navigate to "Address & payment details"- update the Credit Card and billing address as needed. IMPORTANT: In order to change a specific subscriptio

How can I add a one time item to an existing subscription?

To add a one time item onto an existing subscription:. 1. Login to your account and navigate to "Subscriptions". 2. Scroll down to where it says "You may also like" and select from the list of products. 3. Select "add" and choose delivery and quantit

How do I swap/switch products?

To swap out a product on your subscription:. 1. Login to your account and navigate to "Subscriptions". 2. Select the subscription product you would like to swap to under "Manage Subscriptions". 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Swap thi

How do I skip my order?

To skip your subscription:. 1. Login to your account and navigate to "Subscriptions". 2. Select "View upcoming orders". 3. Find the subscription you would like to skip and select "Skip".

How can I cancel or edit my subscription?

To Edit Your Subscription:. 1. Login to your account and navigate to "Subscriptions". 2. Select "View upcoming subscriptions". 3. Find the subscription you would like to edit and select "Edit". 4. Proceed with editing subscription products, send date

Will I get a reminder email before my next shipment?

Yes, we send a reminder email approximately three days before your next charge date, allowing you time to make any necessary changes.

When will my credit card be charged?

Your card will be charged on the day the order is processed.

Can I get the free gift with my SNS order?

Unfortunately we cannot apply the free gift on a subscription order. Free gifts can be applied to one time orders only.